Can I Get Pregnant Without A Period

15th February 2013 Off By AnitaDyer

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I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease about four months ago. My manfriend and I now want to conceive. Can I get pregnant with this syndrome? I don’t

Sexual intercourse can get you pregnant. You assume that oral sex is safer. You read somewhere that you can actually get pregnant from swallowing semen.

It’s easy to think that you can’t get pregnant if you’re not having a regular menstrual cycle. It makes perfect sense that if you’re not having periods, you’re not fertile.

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Have you ever asked, “Can you get pregnant on your period?” If so, this article covers whether you can or cannot get pregnant during your period.

Suche info: Can You Get Pregnant Five Days After Your Period. Can You Get Pregnant Five Days After Your Period. ! Can You Get Pregnant Five Days After Your Period.

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Noticing bleeding when you’re pregnant can be scary. Here are the reasons why it might happen, and what you should do about it.

Generally, your period arriving is a pretty solid indication you aren’t pregnant, but generally is not always. Bleeding during pregnancy which can be mistaken for a period while pregnant is possible– most especially in the first cycle after conception.

Can I Get Pregnant From My ? There are a lot of people out there asking this question and I’m going to just go ahead and assume that is because they’re curious and not because they’re concerned there may be some sort of hybrid bun in their oven.

Yes, although it is not very likely. If you have sex without using contraception, you can conceive (get pregnant) at any time during your menstrual cycle, even during, or just after, your period.

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Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied? This is a common question for women after they have had tubal ligation procedures. Most women who have tubal ligation operations do so understanding natural pregnancy will not occur.

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